The token of a revolution.
Audited and optimized for sustainability.

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Token Utility

  • Participate in IDOs by staking $VVV
  • Increase your allocation size by unlocking higher tiers
  • Access KOL deals, previously only available to influencers
$VVV tiers image


The TGE will open at low FDV and with healthy float.
There won't be any big unlocks, no insiders dumping.
$VVV was built for you.

Decentralized distribution

Our node system fuels the decentralization of the $VVV token, and further balances the unlocks, emissions, and rewards in our ecosystem.

Graphic of all three node tiers


Airdrops | Social media | Attention

Twitter impressions


Airdrop entries


Real engagement, real culture
No bots, no spam, no paid shills

Our brand and audience were built from the ground up through years of honest hard work.

Primed for early adoption

With one of the most engaged communities, and 250,000+ entries in our first airdrop campaign, we have demonstrated our ability to attract the attention of the crypto space.

Building with integrity

In line with our long-term vision, we consistently turn down subpar opportunities and funds from VCs and KOLs that don't align with our values.

Get early access to $VVV